All children/young people placed with our foster carers are informed of the Representation and Complaints Procedure on commencement of placement by their supervising social worker. They are provided with a children’s guide so they are able to contact the Directors and Fostering Manager directly if they wish.
All foster parents, staff and placing local authorities/health and social care trusts are provided with information about our Representation and Complaints Procedure.
A summary of complaint outcomes and their impact upon service design and delivery are collated and are fed into our developmental meetings when required.
As an Ofsted registered service we are subject to scheduled inspections, the results of our 2022 inspection are available here or on the Ofsted website.
We promote a culture of continuous improvement, giving careful attention to feedback about its services offered by any individuals or organisations with whom we come into contact.
Operational staff are supported by managers (and other specialists) who focus on quality assurance throughout the company.
Regular Board meetings are held to ensure our strategic plans are implemented and reviewed.